Monday 25 April 2011

Leibniz' Gonads

Reading about Leibniz (gonad philosopher, mathematician and logician) I realized his theory regarding gonads made alot of sense. For Leibniz the world is divided between mental things and physical or material things and the essential difference between them is that physical things exist in space, but mental things do not. Leibniz thought that any material thing can be sub-divided into its constituent parts. He called these constituent parts GONADS. Ultimately the world must consist of an intimate number of individual things which have no extension is space. He called these GONADS.

How do these GONADS come together to form complex entities?Leibniz took the view that the GONADS could not influence one another directly. Rather, the world was arranged with a pre-established harmony, so that all the separate GONADS, each following its own course, actually, managed to combine to give rise the world we know, with its complex bodies.